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Vitamin C Boost

Harsh winter weather can lead to broken capillaries in your skin, those unsightly red veins usually visible on your cheeks. They are caused by the constant constricting and dilating of the blood vessels as you go from extreme cold outside to heating indoors.

To support and strengthen capillary walls, increase your intake of Vitamin C. It is the MOST important vitamin your body needs to make its own Collagen.
 For anti aging benefits, take at least 1000mg of Vitamin C per day. If possible, a slow release form of Vitamin C is even better as it gives a constant supply of Vitamin C throughout the day.

An added benefit is that you will strengthen your immune system and be less likely to get a cold or flu during winter, which is an absolute bonus.

Vitamin C is a potent antioxidant. So also use a Serum containing high doses of Vitamin C on your face (especially the cheeks) to help make new collagen and strengthen capillary walls to stop those unsightly red veins appearing.

However, it’s very important that the type of vitamin C used in your skin care products is stabilised. Otherwise, if unstable forms are used, your products will be less effective as the level of Vitamin C reduces with time. Unstable forms of Vitamin C are easily destroyed by heat and light. This means you don’t get the benefits you are paying for.

Because Vitamin C is a difficult ingredient to incorporate into skincare products, many companies use the smallest amount possible just so they can say their products contain Vitamin C (something like 0.001%).

As a cosmetic scientist, I have seen hundreds of formulations, so I have first hand knowledge of this. The bottom line is: if your skin care products contain the unstable Vitamin C at very low doses, you may be wasting your money and be disappointed with the performance of the products.

So remember to get your Vitamin C in 2 ways:

1) Internally as a supplement (minimum 1000mg per day)

2) Externally applied to your skin (stabilised form of Vitamin C).
Jeanette Kemert is a Cosmetic Scientist with over 20 years experience in the skincare industry. She is a formulation development specialist, consultant and lecturer. In 2009, Jeanette founded JK Secret Cosmeceutics due to the high demand for an anti aging skin care range containing natural and organic ingredients combined with potent cosmeceutical ingredients.

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