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The Best Health Strategies To Incorporate Them Into Daily LifeStaying healthy is more than just eating right and getting daily exercise; to truly have a good mind/body/soul balance, there are several things you need to incorporate into your daily routine. It’s easy to apply this way of thinking to other things, such as keeping your car or home clean and maintained, so why not take it and use it to your own advantage?

The first step is to figure out your goals. Are you looking to make changes in specific areas, or do you need a guide for keeping a well-rounded health strategy? After you make that decision, there are many paths you can take toward becoming a better you. Here are a few ways to start.

Keep your mind sharp

They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so don’t skip it or fill it with carbs that will leave you feeling sluggish. Nuts, eggs, peanut butter, and chickpeas are a great start, so make sure your first meal of the day is chock full of protein to keep your mind sharp all day long.

The sound of silence

Set aside time every day just for yourself, when you can turn off the television, ignore your emails, and relax. Quiet time has benefits for everyone, including lowering stress and even improving the health and appearance of your skin, so carve out time each day to rest or meditate.

Get out in the sun

Going outdoors has multiple benefits, including imbuing you with vitamin D, which can help keep your skin and gums healthy. It will also allow you to take a break from the stresses of daily life and get some fresh air, so get outside for fifteen minutes or so twice a week. Go for a walk around the block on your lunch break, or take the dog on an extended walk.

Strengthen your core

Keeping your body healthy means not neglecting one of the most important parts: your spine. For many people, aging, working on our feet, and having children can be hard on the back, but doing core exercises can help keep pain at bay. Sit ups or a workout on a stability ball will keep your back in good shape and allow you to build up muscle, which will in turn crank up your metabolism.

Work activity into your everyday life

There are a few ways to do this. For starters, you might choose stairs over the elevator whenever you’re given the choice. Or if you’re tired of being stuck in a cubicle all day, make a big change. Begin a career in a profession that will require you to stay physically active, such as housecleaning or construction. If a career change isn’t in the cards, find ways to be active in your current job. For example, you might do some squats or lift small weights while on calls at work.

Love your heart

Taking good care of your heart is imperative, and there is no one good way to do so; it’s a combination of eating the right things, exercising, and keeping heart disease at bay by refraining from smoking and taking care of your teeth and gums. Snacking on a handful of grapes every day–or drinking red wine in moderation–can help with heart health, as can whole grains and a good cardio workout.

Take care of your feet

Foot pain comes in many forms and for many reasons, including wearing uncomfortable shoes, standing for several hours a day, and health issues. For those living with diabetes, for instance, the feet are a very important part of the body and must be taken care of well. Wearing comfy socks and shoes and massaging your feet every night are a good way to keep them in shape; washing them with dandruff shampoo can prevent foot fungus.