Recently I saw the film “That Sugar Movie”. This is a documentary about the consumption of sugar in society. Damon Gameau, who usually is on a healthy diet goes onto a high sugar diet for 60 days to see the effects it has on him. The one-man experiment approach is...
Here is an interesting parallel. Over the last fifty years as the amount of “research “ into obesity and diabetes has rocketed, so too have rates of obesity and diabetes. According to figures published in the New York Times in 1960 fewer than 1100 articles were...
Regular readers will know my views on the fat versus sugar debate. The biggest nutritional component to illness is the excess consumption of sugar. The key word here is excess. It was demonstrated last year that it is excess sugar consumption, not obesity that is the...
Health messages particularly when it comes to eating are confusing to many people. It seems every week some food is linked to cancer and the next week is linked to reducing cancer. This is not your imagination. American researchers looked at studies on the first 50...
“Down, down, prices are down”. If you haven’t heard this song by now you probably live on Mars. Most of us find it either annoying or a really catchy tune, thanks to Status Quo from the seventies era. And whilst Coles are reaping the rewards from their campaign to...