Twelve Tips For A Stress Free Christmas

If you ask a group of adults the question “Who is looking forward to Christmas”? A number of hands would go up. If you then ask “Who is looking forward to Christmas being…over?” A second set of hands goes up. Ask a group of year one school children the same questions...

Dealing With Stress

It is easy to get caught up in what goes on around us day to day and see problems as bigger than what they may actually be. Everything looks bigger from close up and smaller if looked at from a distance. I have been thinking about this in relation to the issues, which...

Human Emotion Is Not A Disease

One of the things one tends to do when in another city is use public transport. And so it was that I was waiting for a train at Sydney Town Hall Station when the billboard caught my eye.”7 out of 10 Australians will suffer a mental health illness” was the headline....