Let’s face it, as we grow older, our body stops functioning with the vim and vigor as it once did –this is normal. Do you look into the mirror now and notice you have collected some extra fat around your waist or your physique isn’t as built and shredded as it was in...
Winter has arrived in the southern hemisphere and Perth has had its worst storms in a long time this past weekend. Winter is associated with colds and other illnesses. Whilst viruses are present in the environment all year round more cases are seen in winter. Some...
What is the one thing we spend more of our lives doing than any other single thing? It is something that we do every day and we largely take for granted. The answer, is of course, sleep. In the hierarchy of the body’s needs, sleep is number three after air and water....
Anything we use needs maintenance to keep it running smoothly. The human body is no different. Our maintenance time is when we sleep and our bodies need their maintenance. Have you ever considered the difference between being awake and being asleep? Whilst asleep your...
According to research by The National Sleep Foundation one in four Americans married or living with someone say they are so sleep-deprived that they are often too tired to have sex. Figures may be similar in other countries. The good news is that there are solutions....