Air Is Essential – Conditioning It Is Not

It is very rare to have a politician tell people what they do not want to hear. Part of the reason for this is the frenzy that occurs when they do. In turn this explains why there is so little “leadership” in any level of government. You cannot lead when all you do is...

“Saving Lives” Is Not What It May Seem

Fortunately for democracy it appears that some politicians still can resist the temptation to increase police powers. The WA Nationals have knocked back legislation that would have enabled police to stop anyone and search them regardless of whether the police had any...

Licencing Cake

The ability of governments to create laws, which have ridiculous effects never, ceases to amaze me. The case of a primary school, which has had to cancel its fund raising cake sale due to health regulations, is a classic example of zeal gone to far. Justice Louis D...

Danger Is Not All Around

Central planning does not work with the economy and it does not work with health either. It is always ironic when the pious pontifications of experts and heavy-handed government departments are shown to make no difference. We live in probably the safest time ever in...