Anger is a natural human emotion, and the issue of handling it is one that all children and their parents must face eventually. In their early teen years, boys may struggle with the hormonal changes that their bodies are undergoing. At this point in their lives, their...
There was an interesting article in the paper a little while back discussing the behaviour of teenage girls. A headmaster of an all boy school was quoted as saying that their behavior was increasingly like bad boys. This lead the headmaster of a nearby all girl school...
Occasionally I wonder how children ever survived in the days before so many experts (many of whom have no children) emerged to tell parents how to be parents. The line up of mostly government-funded experts seems to grow longer every week. They are often spurred on by...
There is so much research out there and so many claims of what cures and causes so many diseases that most of us just switch off. As I have written previously it has actually been shown that for most foods there are a roughly equal number of studies showing an...
Last week we got an email from the principal of the school reminding parents about appropriate behaviour at school sports. Apparently there have been a number of incidents at interschool sports (and this is not isolated to one school) involving swearing and bad...