by Dr Joe | Feb 28, 2011 | Weight Loss, Womens Health
By Guest Contributor Sally Symonds author of “50 Steps to Lose 50kg . . . And Keep It Off” – the inspirational story of how she halved her weight and doubled her life. If you’re desperate to drop some kilos but can’t bear the idea of giving up... by Dr Joe | Jan 31, 2011 | Food, General Health, Nutrition
There are times when change is upon us. Often this is not recognized until later when with hindsight we can easily say,” there were signs of change”. There is certainly change afoot when it comes to food. Within one week there were three signs that I saw in my... by Dr Joe | Dec 10, 2010 | Pharmaceuticals, The Practice of Medicine, Weight Loss
This may seem to be a statement of the obvious, but the solution to a behavioral problem is not surgery. Over eating is not a surgical problem-it is a behavioral one. The problem is not because the stomach is too big and needs to be made smaller. It is a function of... by Dr Joe | Dec 3, 2010 | Health Policy, Medical Research, Obesity
Invasion of the Body Snatchers was a 1950’s movie, which received cult status. It tells the tale of how alien pods are coming to earth and “snatching” the bodies of humans so that they (the pods) can grow. The invasion happens whilst people sleep and there appears to... by Dr Joe | Oct 29, 2010 | Childhood Obesity, Children's Health, Parenting
Here is the bottom line. Childhood obesity is a problem. It is a function of the foods children eat both at home and at school. The people responsible for feeding children are parents not advertisers. Running the line that it is all to do with advertising allows...