In medicine, beliefs and ideas get very ingrained. Some, such as screening mammography become sacred cows. And when sacred cows are questioned the reaction is more akin to dealing with heresy than dealing with science. This was on display again with yet another...
A headline about lack of hospital beds or people missing out on care is always popular. Often statistics are used to show that certain sections of the population are getting less access to treatment than other sections. It reinforces the sense of crisis about the...
It is taken as read that check ups and screening are good for us. The logic is almost intuitive. Finding disease early is better than finding it late as treatment can be more effective. Also not everything has symptoms so testing and checking may uncover problems...
Medicine is presented as being highly scientific. This is until information comes out which questions certain assumptions that underpin the practice of medicine. One of the mantras of modern medicine is that early detection is good. This seems logical enough. However...