In this article, Dr Joe Kostrich and Ian Blackley discuss the impact of government dietary guidelines on public health, the rise in chronic diseases, and the importance of returning to natural, whole-food-based diets. They share personal insights and practical advice...
There’s very little that’s truly new under the sun. These days, we often think we’re incredibly advanced in the 21st century, assuming that old ideas must be wrong or unproven by science. We believe we know far more than our ancestors. In some respects, we do. We have...
Regular readers know that I am a strong supporter of the rights of individuals to live their lives as is best for them, without interfering with the rights of others to do things their way. Thus, whilst I do not personally follow it, I have no issue with anyone who...
Our brain is the most important organ in our body. Our brain controls every thought and action we have. This includes sleep, digestion, memories, speech, movement, and more. Our gut and brain work in tandem, each influencing the other. “The brain directly...
Eating for eye health is simple: the food that is good for our eyes is good for the whole of us, as our eyes are part of our body. This is common sense, but something we sometimes forget. The common eye conditions, cataract and macular degeneration, are at least...