The Last Word (Hopefully) On Swine Flu

The saga of H1N1 has entered the next stage. Now that it is clearly apparent, even to the “experts” that there was a gross over reaction, the finger pointing has begun. We see this in the exchanges between the Australian TGA and West Australian Health Department. Lets...

Danger Is Not All Around

Central planning does not work with the economy and it does not work with health either. It is always ironic when the pious pontifications of experts and heavy-handed government departments are shown to make no difference. We live in probably the safest time ever in...

Enjoying A Quiet Drink Is Possible

When trying to whip up fear and hysteria it is never a good idea to let facts get in the way. Per capita alcohol consumption in Australia has remained static for at least the last twenty years. Some people drink too much and this is a major cause of health and social...