by Dr Joe | Jul 2, 2010 | Modern Life
Facebook is an interesting beast. Over the last year or so I have grown to over 1000 friends some of whom I actually know, most of whom I have not met personally and some of whom I have actually got to know which has been great. The other interesting thing as the... by Dr Joe | Jun 29, 2010 | Cancer, Mens Health
Since the war on cancer was declared by then president Nixon in 1971 much effort has been devoted to the war. So how are we doing? In 2007 there were 12 million new cases of cancer reported world wide and 7.5 million deaths.These numbers are projected to rise to 27... by Dr Joe | Jun 22, 2010 | Health & Wellness, Relationships
Relationships form one of the pillars of DIY Health. There are many different relationships that we have and over the last week we have seen examples of how the way we conduct these this impacts on people, for better or worse. There are two separate events, which... by Dr Joe | Jun 15, 2010 | General Health
A survey of Australians shows that church attendance has fallen about one third over the last 16 years. A number of other “religion” parameters such as belief in heaven and god have also fallen although running in parallel with this is an increasing interest in... by Dr Joe | Jun 12, 2010 | General Health, Health & Wellness
Whilst being rich does not of itself guarantee a long or happy life and many people with little by way of monetary wealth live a long and happy life wealth and health are linked. As nations become wealthier the overall standard of health rises. We have seen over the...