If a drug was released which reduced your chances of getting cancer by one in three it would be a genuine blockbuster drug. Sales would be huge. Everyone would want to be on it. Such a discovery would be front-page news. The London based World Cancer Research Fund has...
The benefits of screening have been oversold, and the harms glossed over. The basis of cancer screening programs is to find cancers before they cause symptoms in the belief that this will always change the outcome for the better. But, we are also learning that is not...
Once ideas become accepted in health it is hard to change them. Yet knowledge presses forward and what was once thought to be the case may be shown not to be. Our understanding of cancer is evolving but the system is locked into a very 1970’s approach. The overarching...
It is hard to argue with the notion of early detection of disease. After all if disease is found early it is easier to treat and the outlook is better. Hence there has been a push for more and more screening tests to be done. Whereas much trialing is done on...
Sometimes it is surprising to learn the origins of things, which are almost taken for granted. It was only two years ago that I discovered that the war on cancer was declared by then President Nixon who in 1971 was aiming for victory and a cure for cancer by 1976....