The best way to treat a hangover is to not get one. But if you do there are simple things to help you feel better.[youtube][/youtube] Dr JoeDr Joe Kosterich – Doctor, Health Industry...
One of the most forward thinking recommendations from the NSW Visitor Economy Taskforce was to “Work with the NSW wine and food industry to explore opportunities for promoting NSW as a destination on exported wine and food (for example, include Destination NSW’s...
Fire is something, which if used correctly enhances our lives by keeping us warm and cooking our food. Uncontrolled it can burn the house or destroy wide areas. Hence fire is not intrinsically a good or bad thing. It is also not avoidable or entirely controllable. The...
There was an interesting article in the paper a little while back discussing the behaviour of teenage girls. A headmaster of an all boy school was quoted as saying that their behavior was increasingly like bad boys. This lead the headmaster of a nearby all girl school...
With two teenagers the issue of alcohol consumption is on the agenda. It is fair to say that attitudes vary considerably both amongst teenagers and also amongst their parents. There is also a game of cat and mouse whereby (quite correctly) attempts by schools to stop...