Diseases that used to take years to develop from toxic habits in adults are happening to our babies right now.
Children from 7 to 10 years of age are being diagnosed with fibromyalgia. (1)
You may find this shocking. But, if we check, it’s no surprise to find that children’s gut microbiome is being altered from environmental pollution which increases inflammatory conditions. This means the intestinal tract is sending out emergency signals to our brain in the form of pain.
Fibromyalgia and poor gut microbiome
Our children can be suffering from anxiety, stress, cognitive impairment, depression, excessive cortisol levels, and obesity, because of a junk food diet. Our gut microbiome continuously interacts with our immune system to create homeostasis. (2) And, because 80% of our immune system is found in our gut, continuously feeding chemicals, dyes, and sugars, to all our systems and organs, means a breakdown of sorts occurs. Subsidized school lunches can increase the risk for obesity and ill health. Either way we look at it, fibromyalgia is related to the obesity epidemic and obesity is found causal in pain, and inflammatory conditions.
Another point to note is, children are being prescribed more antibiotics, Ritalin, statins, and antidepressants, in the last decade. Medications can decrease good gut microbiome, decrease the quality of sleep, and cause weight issues.
The skin-gut-immune axis
There is a significant connection between fibromyalgia and the health of our skin. In fact, the skin, the nervous system, and immune system are not independent systems but are closely associated and use the same language of neurotransmitters. Our nervous system has a direct link to our skin. (3) Chronic stress breaks that connection. Trigger points are inflamed tissue that’s located just below the skin and are generally sensitive to the touch. The pain symptoms of fibromyalgia are believed by many researchers to be related to the connective tissues of the body. Connective tissue cells bind to collagen. (4) The production of collagen is essential for our tendons, ligaments, bone, and skin health.
The gut-kidney relationship
In 1998 a research study connected high creatinine levels found in fibromyalgia patients. (5) This can mean paying attention to kidney health is crucial in fibromyalgia. Drinking alcohol is not a healthy habit for kidneys. Blood circulation is also disrupted by habits of sitting all day in the classroom and hours spent playing video games at home.
Fibromyalgia can be attributed to gut-brain hormone signalling
Lifestyle factors increasing intestinal permeability can be causal in hormonal imbalances and in fibromyalgia.
High levels of cortisol change good gut microbiome. Chronic stress levels make it difficult to release toxins, leaving the immune system confused.
What can we do now?
• The most significant influence to our health is our habits. Instead of comfort eating, find comfort in eliminating inflammatory foods such as hydrogenated oils, refined flour, dairy products, and eggs. Enjoy anti- inflammatory foods such as organic fruits and vegetables. Include root veggies such as maca, ginger, and turmeric root. For collagen production include foods high in vitamin C. Some examples include organic lemons, blueberries, kiwi, pears, pomegranates, kale, broccoli, and parsley. Incorporate probiotics into your daily routine. Probiotics balance good gut microbiome, reduce anxiety, and stress levels. (6)
• Energy seems to be something most desire more of. Make time for movement and avoid stimulants such as energy drinks, coffee, and caffeinated teas. These do not give the body energy. These deplete magnesium and add stress to an already overstressed body. Find a way to be active. Exercise and drinking pure, clean water can improve gut microbiome and bring more oxygen into the cells, increasing energy levels and circulation.
• Focus on how you can build your mental muscle, handle negative emotions, and find healthy ways to release stress. Meditation, massage therapy, and far infrared saunas can help.
• Create new family lifestyle habits that last for a lifetime. Include homemade vegetable juices to your child’s morning routine. You can add in organic apples as they are an excellent food choice for sufferers of fibromyalgia. Fresh, organic homemade juices contain large amounts of enzymes that help break down inflammation, reduce pain, and supply our cells with energy.
• Decrease toxic exposures from pollution, pharmaceuticals, pesticides, and more. Ask your doctor about weaning you or your child off of a medication, if he/she has been taking it for longer than six months. Every drug has side-effects that can harm gut microbiome and mitochondria function. (7)
1- http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17888225
2- https://www.wjgnet.com/2218-6190/full/v6/i4/52.htm
3- http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9470898
4- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/355571
5- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10025083
6- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5641835/
7- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4684129/
Connie Rogers is a Certified Health Coach & Brain Health Coach.
She is the author of Memory Stealers on Amazon and video.
Connie believes health and wellness are established with proper nutrition, fitness, and mindfulness. Connie takes a natural and holistic, common sense approach to rebuilding wellbeing from the ground up.