Dr Joe Unplugged

Dr Joe Unplugged is your home for open commentary on health, wellbeing and life in the broadest sense. We will explore diet, exercise, sleep and stress amongst other health matters as well as issues that may impact you and your wellbeing in direct or indirect ways....

It’s Christmas!

If Christmas did not exist it would need to be invented. Perfectly timed at the end of the year, it allows for many people worldwide to celebrate in some way, shape or form. This may be the formal religious celebration or simply a catch up with friends and family....

We Need Our Sleep

Human beings spend more time being asleep than anything else. It is estimated that at the turn of the twentieth century the average American slept nine hours each night. By the turn of the twenty first century this figure has dropped to under eight hours. Lack of...
Bonsai And Snowflakes

Bonsai And Snowflakes

Last year I posted a guest column on the “Intellectual Yet idiot” by Nassim Nicholas Taleb, which explained the phenomenon, we see in many areas of life. Two areas where it is extremely prevalent are mental health and parenting. When it comes to the mental health of...

The Common Causes Of Low Body Image

The Common Causes Of Low Body Image

Low body image is a serious problem that concerns both women and men alike. A study conducted, by Monteath and McCabe, found that 44% of women express negative feelings about their bodies. In a 2014 AOL Body Image Survey, 53% of men said they did not like having their...

Follow The Money

Follow The Money

In the movie Jerry Maguire there is famous line from the main character who yells “show me the money”. Following the money will usually explain much of what may on the surface appear to be nonsense. It also works in reverse. Looking where the money is going to can be...

Aging Well

Aging Well

As the year starts we all wonder where the previous one went too. Life is certainly speeding up. This also means that we are getting older at a faster rate. Life expectancy continues to increase and people are living better for longer. Many in their 90’s and even...

Forget Those Resolutions!

Forget Those Resolutions!

Do you start each year with the best intentions and resolutions, only to find yourself losing momentum and motivation weeks or months later? Many people make New Years’ resolutions - they vow to lose weight, stop smoking, start a new career or business, etc. Yet, over...

The Ministry Of Golden Potatoes

The Ministry Of Golden Potatoes

Humans like being scared. The popularity of horror films and “ghost train” rides are testament to that. In times gone by scary stories would be told around campfires. Many fairy tales are full of ghost goblins, wolves and other “critters" seeking to harm or kill the...

A Healthy Weight Loss Breakfast Checklist

A Healthy Weight Loss Breakfast Checklist

Does this sound familiar?  “I want to eat healthier to lose weight, but it seems too complicated.”  If that sounds like you, let’s start with breakfast. rather than trying to tackle the whole problem, we could focus on just one part of eating healthier – deciding what...

The One New Year’s Resolution That Works

The One New Year’s Resolution That Works

Did you set yourself some New Year’s Resolutions or goals this year? How are you doing? Did you get started? How many have you set before and given up on? What did you do when you got pulled off course or they didn’t work out? I bet at some level you berated yourself...

How To Stay Active During The Coldest Winter Months

How To Stay Active During The Coldest Winter Months

It’s difficult to maintain the momentum of staying active during the winter season, when weather becomes a serious factor and holidays bring lots of food and not much energy. For many people, summer and spring--and even fall months--allow plenty of opportunities to...

The Answer Is Real Food

The Answer Is Real Food

As we head into 2017 the diet wars are heating up. On one level this is good because the truth is bobbing up in more and more places. On another level it is sad that many intelligent people in health prefer to cling to ideology rather than accept that the ideas about...