Dr Joe Unplugged

Dr Joe Unplugged is your home for open commentary on health, wellbeing and life in the broadest sense. We will explore diet, exercise, sleep and stress amongst other health matters as well as issues that may impact you and your wellbeing in direct or indirect ways....

It’s Christmas!

If Christmas did not exist it would need to be invented. Perfectly timed at the end of the year, it allows for many people worldwide to celebrate in some way, shape or form. This may be the formal religious celebration or simply a catch up with friends and family....

We Need Our Sleep

Human beings spend more time being asleep than anything else. It is estimated that at the turn of the twentieth century the average American slept nine hours each night. By the turn of the twenty first century this figure has dropped to under eight hours. Lack of...
Beyond A Binary Approach

Beyond A Binary Approach

In the Orwell classic Animal farm there was a binary notion that the animals lived by – “four legs good, two legs bad”. This eventually morphed into “four legs good, two legs better” as the pigs who became the lead animals began walking on two legs like the evil...

Been Good Knowing You

Been Good Knowing You

Like most blogs this one is written a day or two before it is posted. Generally, one does not expect massive change in the interim. But apparently a killer flu could sweep through the world tomorrow. This prediction has come from the usual public health suspects and...

Today Relationships In Many Areas Are Under Stress

Today Relationships In Many Areas Are Under Stress

A revolution is in the wind, and it has been thrust upon us with lightning speed. Not a day goes by where we don’t hear about sexual assault or abuse by men on women. The attempt by men to take advantage of women is by no means a new phenomenon. After all, the casting...

Low Carb Perth

Low Carb Perth

Most successful changes in societies have come from community initiatives or individual brilliance. Top down government impose ideas generally fail to work. History, both ancient and recent has shown us this. The smart phone was not a government initiative neither was...

7 Powerful Tips To Lose Fat After 40

7 Powerful Tips To Lose Fat After 40

Are you over 40 and noticing it’s getting harder to lose weight? You have some extra stubborn fluff and puff around the middle? Starting around the age of 30, you begin to lose muscle mass, up to 3 to 5 percent each decade if you are not active. This lack of muscle...

“Evidence” Based Medicine

“Evidence” Based Medicine

An advance over the last three decades has been evidence-based medicine. No longer do we do what we think is best or, heaven forbid, use clinical judgment. Trials and evidence inform us of best practice. This means everyone always gets ideal care with the system...

Work Life Balance – How To Get It

Work Life Balance – How To Get It

‘Work life balance’ is something that is different for all of us and our understanding of it and what we want this to mean and how we understand it may change as we age and have more life experience. Essentially the key foundation of achieving true work life balance...

Beware Mission Creep

Beware Mission Creep

Recently I had the great pleasure of giving a talk to a group of University students who are part of Mannkal Scholars. These are students who are wanting to expand their minds and be challenged by ideas rather than retreat into safe spaces. The topic was the Black...

Vitamin Supplements: Too Much Of A Good Thing?

Vitamin Supplements: Too Much Of A Good Thing?

Vitamins are vital amines, needed for everyday chemical reactions in our bodies. Deficiencies can be harmful, but that doesn’t mean that taking more than you need is beneficial. In fact, it can be very harmful yet the message that more is better prevails. Does vitamin...