Dr Joe Unplugged

Dr Joe Unplugged is your home for open commentary on health, wellbeing and life in the broadest sense. We will explore diet, exercise, sleep and stress amongst other health matters as well as issues that may impact you and your wellbeing in direct or indirect ways....

It’s Christmas!

If Christmas did not exist it would need to be invented. Perfectly timed at the end of the year, it allows for many people worldwide to celebrate in some way, shape or form. This may be the formal religious celebration or simply a catch up with friends and family....

We Need Our Sleep

Human beings spend more time being asleep than anything else. It is estimated that at the turn of the twentieth century the average American slept nine hours each night. By the turn of the twenty first century this figure has dropped to under eight hours. Lack of...
Low-Carb Almond Bread

Low-Carb Almond Bread

Reducing carbohydrate intake is a key component to optimizing health and weight. If you trying to reduce your carbohydrate intake and you’re missing bread… This recipe is for you! It is high in healthy fat and moderate protein. Here is my easy low-carb bread recipe...

Unsettling Science

Unsettling Science

Recently I wrote about the PURE study which followed over 135,000 people in 18 countries for seven years. It found that current dietary guidelines are essentially wrong as there was an increased rate of heart disease stroke and mortality associated with low fat rather...

A Fortnight Is A Long Time!

A Fortnight Is A Long Time!

Last newsletter I wrote about how the clock was ticking for the boosters of the low fat diet fad in big public health. This was off the back of the US Preventative Service Task Force showing that behavioural change was the best approach in managing weight and type two...

Do You Have Work Life Balance?

Do You Have Work Life Balance?

Does work-life balance elude you?  Is work-life balance possible for you?  Would you like to have more time for the things and people that are important to you? What is Work Life Balance? Work life balance is a vague notion which means different things to different...

AHPRA Drop All Charges Against Gary Fettke

AHPRA Drop All Charges Against Gary Fettke

We are very excited, and relieved, to be able to share with you the news that AHPRA (the Australian Health Practitioner's Regulation Agency) have dropped all charges against Gary after 4 1/2 years of insisting that he had done nothing wrong - no case of patient harm...

The Clock Is Ticking

The Clock Is Ticking

In these days of evidence based practice where generally the prize goes to the best evidence money can buy, it is refreshing that occasionally “research” catches up with the obvious. The US Preventative Services Task Force (USPSTF) has released a review of weight loss...

Pure Galileo

Pure Galileo

There was a time when we believed the earth was the centre of the universe. To be honest, it was not unreasonable for people in the dark ages to accept this. The technology of the time was limited. When Galileo Galilei proposed that the earth revolved around the sun...

Your Immune System Is On Your Skin

Your Immune System Is On Your Skin

“The skin is a self-renewing organ called an immunological organ where the epidermis can function as a primary lymphoid organ, forming part of our immune system.”  There are an estimated 20 billion T cells in human skin suggesting that immune defense in the skin’s...

More Nanny Nonsense

More Nanny Nonsense

Just when you thought the world could not get much crazier, along comes the Clarence Council in Tasmania that wants to ban beach cricket unless you have a permit. Beach cricket is a traditional Australian summer pastime that bears some, but not a lot, of resemblance...

3 Practical Ways To Boost A Low Libido

3 Practical Ways To Boost A Low Libido

So you or your partner have lost interest in sex. Has it been a gradual progression, or did one partner never really seem all that interested? While it’s common to have different desires and sexual appetites, there are several factors which can contribute to or...

Modern Day Temperance

Modern Day Temperance

Regular readers will know that I enjoy a glass of wine. The wine industry is fascinating as is the history. After my recent trip to Italy, this has only grown. Especially, when one sees how cultures are able to incorporate wine into what they do rather than going out...

How To Stop Analysis By Paralysis

How To Stop Analysis By Paralysis

Do you overanalyse information, question or second guess your decisions?  Does this cause you to miss out on opportunities or keep you stuck in your career/business or life? Some people are very analytical and need to thoroughly understand information and the...