Dr Joe Unplugged

Dr Joe Unplugged is your home for open commentary on health, wellbeing and life in the broadest sense. We will explore diet, exercise, sleep and stress amongst other health matters as well as issues that may impact you and your wellbeing in direct or indirect ways....

It’s Christmas!

If Christmas did not exist it would need to be invented. Perfectly timed at the end of the year, it allows for many people worldwide to celebrate in some way, shape or form. This may be the formal religious celebration or simply a catch up with friends and family....

We Need Our Sleep

Human beings spend more time being asleep than anything else. It is estimated that at the turn of the twentieth century the average American slept nine hours each night. By the turn of the twenty first century this figure has dropped to under eight hours. Lack of...
How To Silence Your Inner Critic Once And For All!

How To Silence Your Inner Critic Once And For All!

Are you your own worst critic? Is your negative self talk sabotaging your success? Do you put yourself down for not achieving enough? Here are 3 ways to silence your inner critic once and for all: Own Up Before you can change, stop or improve anything you do, first...

It’s A Miracle Anyone Is Left Alive

It’s A Miracle Anyone Is Left Alive

It is remarkable that anyone on earth is still alive. The eleventh version of InternationalStatistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD 11) is due to come into effect on January 1 2022. The ICD 10 was adopted in 1990. A pre-release  of the...

Can Antibiotics Worsen The Flu?

Can Antibiotics Worsen The Flu?

We know that antibiotics will not work against a virus. However, new research suggests that they may even make the flu worse! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ade__7q37zU

Weight Gain & The Interconnection With Toxic Scents

Weight Gain & The Interconnection With Toxic Scents

There are many tired of the weight-loss rollercoaster and want to learn why they haven’t been successful in the past. So let's touch on a few barriers that prevent us from achieving our goals and how to overcome these barriers. A lax government. We need to put public...

The Modern Day Temperance League

The Modern Day Temperance League

For the record, I enjoy a glass or two of wine with dinner and have enjoyed a glass at social functions. It is even the case that through the course of my existence, I have, on a few (genuinely a few) occasions had a glass or so more than was necessarily ideal. Other...

Does Breakfast Matter?

Does Breakfast Matter?

The notion that "breakfast is the most important meal of the day" was a marketing slogan to sell breakfast cereal. It has no scientific basis. What really makes a difference is eating real food. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zeNjboyN7zo&feature=youtu.be

What We Can Learn From Tiger Woods’ Masters Win

What We Can Learn From Tiger Woods’ Masters Win

Perhaps one of the signs of getting older is that we worry less about what others think of us. After all one of the things that we are implored to do is accept others, warts and all. The marriage vow of,  “for better or worse” applies to many aspects of life. We can...

Another Spendathon – For What?

Another Spendathon – For What?

Australia recently had a Federal election, where, as usual, health spending featured prominently with both sides promising to spend more. There is little questioning of what it is hoped to achieve or whether proposed spending is based on actual need. When it came to...

Simple Ways To Downsize Toxic Plastic Overload

Simple Ways To Downsize Toxic Plastic Overload

In today’s world, plastics seem to take over our home, our businesses, and our lives because of convenience. Plastics can be found in wallpaper, lamp shades, mini blinds, and flooring, clothes, drinking water, skin care and more. Here are some simple steps to lessen...