Last month saw the passing of Terry Jones, one of the members of Monty Python’s Flying circus and a comedy genius. Sadly it is unlikely that if formed today they would get a run on the BBC. A group of six “cis-gender white men” would not be regarded as “diverse...
Some weeks it really is hard to know where to start or what to write about – not because there is so little but because there are so many topics worthy of covering. With Christmas only, a week away it is also time to wonder where another year and indeed another decade...
We are entering the festive season when many (not all) celebrate the end of another year and the advent of Christmas. Regular readers will know that I enjoy a glass of wine. The wine industry is fascinating as is the history. After a trip to Italy last year this has...
The selection criteria, has changed a bit over the years but medicine still draws from the most intelligent members of society. However, there are different types of intelligence, so what I am about to say next comes with the obligatory (albeit pathetic) trigger...
Many quotes are attributed to Albert Einstein. He may or may not have said them all. One that I suspect he said, or if not would be happy for it to be attributed, is that a definition of insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting a different outcome....
Here is a disturbing study finding. Breathing air has a 100% association with death. Every person who has died has breathed air during their lives. Clearly, we need public health messages about the harms of breathing the air. The precautionary principle demands that...