**Whilst this article is written by an American about the US system most of the issues apply in other countries too. ** – Dr Joe Pardon the expletives, I have been wanting to share some thoughts and frustrations about healthcare that I have seen arise over the...
Once upon a time people only went to the doctor when they felt sick. For most of human existence there was not much the doctor could actually do when you got there. Yet somehow the human race managed to get through to the second half of the twentieth century when...
There is an old adage about a week being a long time in politics. A few weeks ago I wrote a leader in my newsletter about the entitlement mentality. This was sparked by an interesting op-ed piece in the New York Times about the then upcoming French election. The take...
Language, both verbal and non verbal is the way we communicate. True communication is when the person on the receiving end has the same understanding of what has been said as the person speaking. Whilst this sounds obvious, much communication breakdown and...
Children are seen as a group where medication use is low and hence a potential group for increased use (sales) of medications. Two crazy ideas have been floated in different parts of the world. In the USA the latest idea is for cholesterol level screening in children....
Earlier this year a group calling themselves the “Friends of Science” sent a letter to a variety of Universities calling for the scrapping of courses, which they regarded as “unscientific”. These included courses on chiropractic and others on various natural health...