The Times newspaper in Britain, has apologized to five scientists over articles that suggesting research they did into e-cigarettes was funded by tobacco companies. According to the Guardian the five had intended to sue the paper. It quoted one of the five, David Nutt...
One of the things doctors worry about the most is missing a diagnosis. Treatment starts with diagnosis and to miss a cancer or other serious illness risks exposing people to considerable harm. This driving force has led to the concept of screening for illness in an...
There was an interesting review published in The Lancet about the placebo rate in use of antidepressants. The review found that that the placebo response rate had remained steady over the last 20 years – at around 40%. What was even more interesting was the way this...
A recent article in a UK newspaper reported that the National Health Service (NHS) is considering delaying procedures for a particular class of individuals such as the obese and smokers. In the USA, there are rumblings about health care rationing with the Affordable...
Conflicting views have again emerged about statin medications in two leading British Medical Journals. Statins are used to lower cholesterol and have been the best selling drugs of the past 25 years with sales in the tens of billions of dollars. The Lancet published a...
Much work has been done over the last few years on the dangers of sitting. Whilst claims that sitting is the new smoking are way over blown, it is true that in modern western countries many of us spend too much time being sedentary. The human body is designed to be...