We all like good news. It is human nature. But not all news is good. This fact does not mean we can simply ignore it, tempting as that may be. In fact, it is often the case that we learn more when things go wrong. So, you might think that in medical science findings...
Every year a number of new drugs come onto the market. Some are greeted with fanfare while others just slide in. There is an assessment process to bring pharmaceuticals to market to show that they are safe, that they work and that side effects are acceptable. To get a...
Some weeks it is really hard to know where to even begin. Just when you think that health policy and the actions of governments have reached their lowest, they out do themselves with even more stupidity. Seriously, I do not understand how this happens and whilst as a...
Recently I had the pleasure of presenting at the Friedman 17 conference on the creep of the nanny state into our lives. Regular readers will know my view on the importance of the individual being responsible for their health. And how much of the advice we get from...
Lets start with one of the few incontrovertible facts that we have on earth. Every single person on this planet has a mother and a father. In the modern era there are many more computations than in the past. Some people may never know their biological mother (if it is...
The original concept of public health was to deal with outbreaks of and prevent spread of infectious diseases. This included advice on quarantine, and treatment. Useful advice included sanitation of water and other basic (as would be regarded today) hygiene. The...