In January we contemplate what we want to achieve in the upcoming year. New year’s resolutions are great for those who stick to them but many make similar resolutions each year because we didn’t quite achieve last years. What we lack is a plan. For example, “I resolve...
Trigger warning – those offended by politically incorrect views are advised to read no further. Dateline 2024 – a client enters the GP cubicle. “X” (gender or marital status is no longer recorded in medical information) “Back before 2018 you used to tell...
We share the same world as our pets, yet we do not perceive the same reality. Both cats and dogs have only 20 per cent of the cone photo-receptor cells of humans, meaning they can only see the colours blue and yellow. All other colours are shades of grey. Dogs and...
Let me be very clear upfront. We all have to make a living. Only the government can forcibly extract money to keep itself going. The rest of us need to exchange goods or services in return for money. A business which employs people needs to do the same otherwise it...
Some weeks it is hard to know where to start. So maybe a cartoon is a good start point. The Spectator Magazine is one of the last bastions of genuine humour. Through its pages of articles are small cartoons. On page nine of the October 28 edition is a comic of a man...
Across the globe, increasingly evidence is coming to light that people in our profession are suffering. Its considered that we have about twice the rate of suicide as the general public. With reported rates being anywhere between 1.1-5.7 times higher than the general...