If you are contemplating or have decided upon a health or weight loss goal, you have made a huge proactive step in your life, so congratulations! So now that you are committed, what happens next? And what if you make that one tiny misstep? If you’re like most,...
If you have found it a challenge to figure out which foods to add to your grocery list for effective fat burn, you are not alone. Yes, there is a plethora of food out there, but which ones are most effective in helping to shed pounds? There are many foods...
The latest version of the Healthy Eating pyramid has been released. To be blunt- I am not that impressed. In the USA they have figured out that a plate has more meaning than a pyramid as one can more readily show proportions on a plate that people actually eat...
Recently I saw the film “That Sugar Movie”. This is a documentary about the consumption of sugar in society. Damon Gameau, who usually is on a healthy diet goes onto a high sugar diet for 60 days to see the effects it has on him. The one-man experiment approach is...
We are constantly told that medicine is based on scientific evidence. This chorus is never louder than when professors, academics and health authorities seek to disparage as “unscientific” anything that they don’t like or which challenges their particular view of the...
You’d like your eating plan to work for you – to get you the results that you want without lots of complicated steps. The good news is that lean eating does not mean complicated eating…it just means eating smart. Read on for the NEW rules of lean...