As the year draws to a close the diet wars are heating up. On one level this is good because the truth is bobbing up in more and more places. On another level it is sad that many intelligent people in health prefer to cling to ideology rather than accept that the...
We are constantly fed doom and gloom stories in health. There is a crisis of this or a tsunami of that. This is despite life expectancy continuously increasing for over 100 years. The claims of crisis are inevitably accompanied by a plea for government funding for...
The rise of online influencers advocating an extreme diet or fitness regime based on perfection as either an overt or covert theme is apparent. Their appeal and alignment to a person running a perfection obsession is unfortunately a match made in hell. The physical...
The Times newspaper in Britain, has apologized to five scientists over articles that suggesting research they did into e-cigarettes was funded by tobacco companies. According to the Guardian the five had intended to sue the paper. It quoted one of the five, David Nutt...
Cults are many, varied and typically are only spoken of in terms of religion or New Age or Supernatural belief systems. However the group think and cultural forces that play out on obsessive social media forums tend to generate the same set of issues for individuals...
One of the things doctors worry about the most is missing a diagnosis. Treatment starts with diagnosis and to miss a cancer or other serious illness risks exposing people to considerable harm. This driving force has led to the concept of screening for illness in an...