In January we contemplate what we want to achieve in the upcoming year. New year’s resolutions are great for those who stick to them but many make similar resolutions each year because we didn’t quite achieve last years. What we lack is a plan. For example, “I resolve...
Does your mind easily wander? Are you driven to distraction? Do you find it difficult to remain focused and in the moment? Would you like to be more mindful? Emails, social media, internet surfing, fun activities, phone calls, talkers, gossipers, doomsayers,...
Trigger warning – those offended by politically incorrect views are advised to read no further. Dateline 2024 – a client enters the GP cubicle. “X” (gender or marital status is no longer recorded in medical information) “Back before 2018 you used to tell...
Ladies, did you know that one in 3 men had, have, or will have premature ejaculation issues? No? Well, it’s true. So, what exactly is premature ejaculation? Well, premature ejaculation usually occurs when a man ejaculates (“orgasms”) more quickly than he or his...