We can always learn from those who do things better. Different countries have different life expectancies and different levels of wellbeing. If we can learn what they are doing right we can improve our own health and wellbeing. It is rarely rocket science. This...
Falls are never fun. When we are young we can pretty quickly bounce back and keep going. In the elderly though a fall can lead to a hip fracture. This in turn can trigger a serious chain of events including loss of independence and even death. In the USA each year...
Hypertension, or high blood pressure, was the first of the symptomless conditions that modern medicine has treated. For the vast majority of people you only know if you have it when the doctor takes your blood pressure. And that is also the only way you know if it is...
Why look older than your years when there are ways to help take control of aging? That’s right… Aging is seen as something we cannot control, much like a fast moving snowball rolling downhill, it continues to roll, all the while, collecting more snow and...
Sometimes we have to think laterally. When it comes to weight and nutrition most of the focus, quite rightly is on what we eat. That makes sense and is obviously the key. However the context in which we eat and even where we eat influences how much we eat. Here are...
I have written about the issues of too much sugar consumption and how it is sugar rather than fat which is the leading cause of obesity and diabetes. This infograhic shows some interesting stats on sugar consumption. Here is an infographic with fascinating statistics...