Let’s face it, as we grow older, our body stops functioning with the vim and vigor as it once did –this is normal. Do you look into the mirror now and notice you have collected some extra fat around your waist or your physique isn’t as built and shredded as it was in...
We have a tendency to think that everything which is new, as an improvement on that which is old. Whilst new inventions can improve our lives I am talking about changing things that work quite well for no reason other than something new has turned up. Previously I...
Science fiction quickly becomes science fact these days.The communicator from Star Trek is now everyones mobile phone. And the health industry is getting involved through apps and mobile technology helping people better manage their health.Looks like the future is...
In this modern technology driven world, we should all be having more time to do the things we love, right? Wrong. People are becoming time poor, stressed, disconnected and forgetting to take time out to enjoy life! The UN Nations commissioned a report on happiness,...
The sun is starting to shine so now is the time to start thinking about taking your exercise outdoors. Shed the winter layers, bask in some Vitamin D goodness and spring into fitness! There are many outdoor fitness options and you can work it out alone, with the...
It is becoming clear that whilst weight and health are related they are not synonymous. People who are “technically” overweight may live as or even longer than those of “normal” weight. The BMI, whilst a useful tracking tool is not by itself an indicator of good...