Where do you find happiness? Is it in planning your holiday, taking a day off work, getting together with friends and family; is it shopping, a night out with friends, having a drink on a Friday night or making money? If so, then the chances are your happiness may be...
I am sure that many of you reading this have heard this before, “Thoughts Become Things.” Have you ever woken up and thought to yourself, “This is not going to be a good day?” Now looking back, if you didn’t change your thinking pattern at that time, I am guessing...
“…We are all bioengineered with the capacity to let the heart do the talking and the mind do its’ walking.” When I first registered the domain mindpowercoach.com, the term mind power made perfect sense to me. Surely everybody wants more empowerment and is...
Do you have a hobby? Like fishing, camping, hiking, reading, movies…. Hobbies are great tools to a happy and healthy life…BUT…health and fitness are not to be confused with your hobbies. These two are goals, though they can and should be fun, exciting, even relaxing...
Back when I was a kid I used to go on the see-saw (aka: teeter-totter). It was fun to play like that. That was until the big kid sat on it and I was stuck in the air. And when he got off, BOOM I went crashing to the ground. Well, those that have been on many different...
Do you feel you could use a healthier attitude toward life? Would you like to approach things in a different way? Is a healthier lifestyle attainable? The stress of modern life can sometimes make it difficult to lead a healthy lifestyle. However, you can start living...