Success in life comes from blending a positive mindset and unshakeable self-belief with winning strategies and consistent action; something I learned and used with great success while training and competing in ultra distance triathlons. Here are seven tips from the...
Imagine possessing the most powerful force in the universe. What would you do with it? What if you can make it even better? Guess what? You already possess it. It’s your brain. It has approximately 100 billion neurons and each one connects to between 10 and 10,000...
Great leaders, such as Martin Luther King, inspired thousands of people. His words in his ‘I had a dream’ speech, were the fuel that powered his vision and created extraordinary change and great success for thousands of people. What you may not realise is that your...
Everybody talks about how hard it is to lose the last 5 kgs, though it is possible to make it easier! Here are some secret mindset & psychology tips to help you lean up… Tell yourself it’s easy. That old quote from Henry Ford: “If you think you can or you think...
If you are contemplating or have decided upon a health or weight loss goal, you have made a huge proactive step in your life, so congratulations! So now that you are committed, what happens next? And what if you make that one tiny misstep? If you’re like most,...
Whether at work, school, home, or any social setting, feelings of stress, anger, fear and anxiety can severely impact our ability to have a meaningful, productive and satisfying experience. In my book “The Reflex – Activate Thoughts, Words and...