Iron – One of the Most Common Nutritional Deficiencies Iron is a metal that is required for numerous functions within our bodies but it’s main role is for the production of haemoglobin – the protein that carries oxygen in our blood. Haemoglobin picks up oxygen...
The body creates a scar as part of the healing process. There are things you can do to minimise scarring. [youtube][/youtube] Dr JoeDr Joe Kosterich – Doctor, Health Industry Consultant and Author Doctor, speaker,...
Too much sun exposure can lead to skin cancer. Too little can leave us Vitamin D deficient. Treat sunshine with respect but do not be scared of being out in it. [youtube][/youtube] Dr JoeDr Joe Kosterich – Doctor,...
Summer is nearly with us in the southern hemisphere. It is good to get outdoors and enjoy the sunshine, but not good to get burned. [youtube] [/youtube] Dr JoeDr Joe Kosterich – Doctor,...
The skin is the largest organ in the body. We mainly think about its appearance rather than the other functions. A healthy skin is also a reflection of a healthy body so look after it from within as well as without. Here are 50 amazing facts about skin that you...
Harsh winter weather can lead to broken capillaries in your skin, those unsightly red veins usually visible on your cheeks. They are caused by the constant constricting and dilating of the blood vessels as you go from extreme cold outside to heating indoors. To...