Many people are frustrated by the slow progress of the cause to legalise vaping and help smokers reduce harm in Australia. Whilst there is still a way to go, we have made a significant step forward. The WA Liberal party recently passed at its state conference, a...
It’s important to keep the sparkle in your smile! With family and friends gathered around, great food, drinks, andfestivities everywhere you go, it’s really important to take the time out to care for your teeth and gums. After all, an aching or broken tooth or...
Did you know that one in five Australians experience a mental illness each year? In fact, mental illness is now the third leading cause of disability burden in this country, making it more important than ever to understand how to support a colleague, friend or family...
I really feel for anyone caught in the middle of this ideological, physical and emotional conflict. Lets say that for whatever reason you have decided you would like to lose some weight. And, you have decided this for reasons that have absolutely nothing to do with...
This popular question does not have a simple answer as there are different circumstances that need to be considered. First stage labour There is no reason an epidural block should prolong first stage labour. To the contrary epidural can result in a shorter first stage...
Acne can affect those of all ages and ethnicities; from adolescents and teenagers, to adult onset acne sufferers. The effects can be devastating and treatment options are often confusing and expensive. The treatment of acne needs to take into account the causes and...