The United Nations has conducted a global survey on deaths by suicide and found that each year it accounted for 800,000 deaths. Whilst the highest rates were in people over 70 it was also the second leading cause of death in those aged 15 to 29 globally. Men...
You’ve probably noticed that if the topic of sex and seniors comes up when your children or other young ones are around, that invariably you get a disgusted look appearing on their faces. Or you may get the response, “TMI” (Too Much Information). The...
When someone first asked me about my self-talk, I was a little concerned to realize I DID talk to myself. My understanding was, when people talk to themselves, they need medical help. That was many years ago but I am continually amazed at how little awareness there is...
Everyone has challenges in life, but it’s how we view these challenges, how we respond or react that add or detract from the quality of our lives, and are the precursor of what happens next. We all have a certain amount of stress in our lives. Some stress is good and...
Tom Insel, director of the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH,) in his recent blog post Are Children Overmedicated? seems to suggest that perhaps more psychiatric medication is in order. Comparing mental illness in children to food allergies, he dismisses the...
Once you have decided that you want to start a family, it is natural that you develop a new mindset. You will find that you become acutely aware of your cycle, and begin to contemplate the impacts that having a baby will have on all aspects of your life. You may also...