You’ve probably noticed that if the topic of sex and seniors comes up when your children or other young ones are around, that invariably you get a disgusted look appearing on their faces. Or you may get the response, “TMI” (Too Much Information). The...
Regular readers will know my views on the fat versus sugar debate. The biggest nutritional component to illness is the excess consumption of sugar. The key word here is excess. It was demonstrated last year that it is excess sugar consumption, not obesity that is the...
Can you believe, its already 2014? This is the time of year for new years resolutions. Many people will have resolutions to do with their health. Unfortunately some of these will be the same as last years and maybe some years before that too. The problem being that...
As the year draws to a close it is time to reflect on major events of this year and look to what might happen next year. There have been some major myths exploded this year and I predict there will more to come. It is also fascinating to see the fury with which health...
An aspect of health that gets little airplay is the eighth pillar of health, which is fun and purpose. This is doing things, which we enjoy but which also serve a purpose and in some way benefit others. It can be as simple as tending a garden or can be running a...
If you follow health news in the media it is almost a surprise that anyone is left alive. The dangers of smoking, drinking and overeating are somehow getting worse. The obesity crisis is overwhelming us and cancer is running rampant. This bad news is generally...