Constantly feeling bloated and not sure what is causing it? Do you often feel tired and sluggish? This is quite common and more often than not, it is related to the food that we eat and our overall digestive health. That fullness and swelling of the abdomen can be...
Our digestive system is the most important system in our bodies. We don’t tend to realize the importance of proper digestion until we begin experiencing problems. When it’s working properly, it takes the food we consume and produces all the ingredients our bodies need...
Here is a video explaining some of the health benefits of chillies and also a simple recipe.[youtube][/youtube] Dr JoeMedical Doctor, author, speaker, media presenter and health industry consultant, Dr Joe Kosterich wants you...
A flowing river sustains life far better than a stagnant pond.The Body is 70% water and it needs to be turning over. The only way this can happen is by drinking water.The “magic” number is 30ml/kilo body weight per day. In summer you may need more and if...
“What the eyes are for the outer world, fasts are for the inner.” – Gandhi By now most people are familiar with “juice fasting”. There is a recent documentary about it called “Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead” where Joe does a 60-day juice fast to regain his health...