Think you’re drinking fresh and natural orange juice? Think again…… When shopping for fresh orange juice, I have found the phrase “squeezed from fresh oranges”, is not necessarily the truth. The leading orange juice companies such as Tropicana (PepsiCo)(1), Minute...
We’ve all had devastating experiences of losing friends. Sometimes totally unexpected, while other times after losing long battles to preventative disorders. Saying goodbye is never an easy task. We look to cherish just one more moment at their side with regrets of...
Inflammation is linked to every known disease. Most Americans are suffering from daily inflammatory symptoms and pain. Diminishing pain may mean consuming more than 4+ prescription medications to deal with inflammation. “C-reactive protein (CRP) is a marker of...
Sleep is a restorative process and sunlight affects circadian rhythms. The less sunshine we are exposed to the more we increase our risk for insomnia. Hormones, digestion, blood sugar imbalances, and neurotransmitters are thrown off when we don’t sleep well. And, mood...
According to an Executive Order by President Trump on July 10th 2019, “Within 120 days of the date of this order, the Secretary of Health and Human Services shall launch an awareness initiative at the Department of Health and Human Services to aid the Secretary’s...