Do you have a hobby? Like fishing, camping, hiking, reading, movies…. Hobbies are great tools to a happy and healthy life…BUT…health and fitness are not to be confused with your hobbies. These two are goals, though they can and should be fun, exciting, even relaxing and refreshing they aren’t there for entertainment.
They are there to transform your body, your life and keep it that way. And for that reason, creating a healthy lifestyle is the ultimate goal.
But how do you do that?
How do take the gym, healthy nutrition and all the other elements of health and wellness and begin creating a healthy lifestyle?
I spoke in the Extreme Body Transformation group this morning on this topic saying “Your success comes from consistency. You have to each day take ACTION…. rinse, lather, repeat. Action taken consistently, a strategic step every day in progression toward the goal changes your body, your life. Clean, whole, nutritious foods consumed consistently, changes your body and your life. That fitness plan, completed faithfully and done with a purpose changes your body, your life. All of it done consistently creates a new lifestyle that is no longer a chore or a challenge but a source of life, sustenance and potential. CONSISTENCY is your best friend on this journey.”
Don’t chase rabbits…those shiny things that try to get your attention. You know the ones… those gadgets and the equipment sold in those famous infomercials…those weight loss potions and powders that promise to make it easy and quick…. even those magazine articles that feature a perfect fitness model promising this or that swift result to look just like them. They don’t work and they never will…. not for creating a healthy lifestyle. They are distractions that lead to inconsistency and not results
And don’t fall prey to the grass is greener on the other side. It isn’t! The grass is just as green as your consistency in care of it. Uh huh, I said it! This is YOUR responsibility!
Don’t make room for every voice in your head either. There are a LOT of voices in this industry. But most of them, dare I say, do not empower a lifestyle. They talk about results. Most achieve results. But they don’t all do so authentically, naturally, healthily in a mission of creating a healthy lifestyle. I even read a blog this week that tried to convince me that I could achieve great results and look like him without giving up a daily junk food habit. SERIOUSLY? You can be assured that I left him a comment…hehe! Pick a voice (Mine please! Lol) listen to it, trust it, accept it, embrace it and apply what it is telling you! Stay focused and CONSISTENT in the relationship and the journey!
Inconsistency is something I see daily. I see people start out with the utmost excitement, enthusiasm and passion. Then one-day life comes knocking on the door…a real test of whether or not this journey is a hobby or a lifestyle in the making. A cold is caught, an extra meeting tossed into the schedule, a new job opportunity, a remodeling project, the loss of a client, a family need or crisis…the wheels fall off and in spite of all the promises to me, the community, themselves, the wheels are never back on the track. Their results quickly wither away, momentum is lost, the passion dimmed and in most cases it occurs just as they were seeing their results accelerate. As I said…it is a test! And honestly, few pass.
Why? Because, despite their enthusiasm, their goals and intentions they never really thought about it as creating a healthy lifestyle. It was, though they would never call it such, a hobby…the next “in” thing to do, the right thing to do. But when the wind shifted, the storm came, it was but a little hobby, a side project that could be laid aside for another day. But as so often happens, once laid down, another day never comes for that project.
Brushing your teeth is an action of a lifestyle…wouldn’t you agree? When you get sick, you lose your job; move or whatever else happens in life, you still brush your teeth. You still put clean clothes on, comb your hair, shower…so why is your health any different? Why stop eating clean and training? Seriously, why does that element of your lifestyle get the boot? After all, it is actually more important than brushing your teeth and combing your hair. (But please don’t stop those either! Lol)
I’m being serious here. Your health and wellness through whole foods nutrition and fitness is one of the MOST important elements of your life. And so putting your best, most consistent efforts into creating a healthy LIFESTYLE is certainly a priority.
Let me tell you a quick story. I had a client last year who fell down the stairs and crushed her ankle. I mean crushed it! Major surgery with steel plates and the works took place. Prognosis…one-year recovery, NO physical activity! BUT…that was not on her agenda. Yes, she would be wise and listen to the doctors but she had worked consistently at creating a healthy lifestyle and she was NOT going to surrender it.
She asked about various ways that she could work out. Declined. So she kept eating clean. Asked some more and within 2 months she was beginning to do some simple activity. And now that is slowly but surely accelerating and it is not a year later but a few months later. Now that is a woman after my own heart! Can I just interject…been there, done that with cancer and congestive heart failure.
So do you see what I am saying here?
You can begin your journey with a hobby mindset or you can begin it with the mindset of creating a healthy lifestyle. The latter will endure the tests that are certain to come. The latter will serve you for life. Which is it then? As I say so often, the choice is yours but I certainly hope you choose the lifestyle path rather than that of a hobby! You deserve the results! Will you join me?
Carl Mason- Liebenberg is a Wellness and Weight Loss Specialist, Author, Fitness Coach, and a Leader in Creating a Lifestyle of Wellness.
He has recently launched the Ultimate 30 Day Body Reset that you’ll want to be sure to obtain in your journey to authentic wellness. For more information and opportunities please join him at
Carl Mason-Liebenberg has been working with individuals since 2001 to achieve a healthy lifestyle and transform their bodies and lives. From 110 pound weight losses, from frail to strong, from ill to healthy, Carl has led, inspired and empowered individuals to Create New Beginnings. And has now developed programs, products and private coaching opportunities as part of the services and tools he provides.